Our Maui Trip was Amazing to say the least! It was the
sisters and us for a whole week living the island lifestyle. We had such a
blast and did so many fun things.
We flew out to Maui on my birthday, what a fun present!
Funny story, during the flight the airline had a little contest. Everyone was
to write down what time it would be when we hit the exact half way point on the
flight. I was half asleep and had no idea how to figure it out. Eric said it
would be around 1pm. So I put 1 hour: 29 minutes (for my birthday): 25 seconds
(that’s how old I was turning). We turned in our papers and I went back to
sleep. Ha! Sure enough when we hit the half way point they come on the speaker
and said “the winner is Danielle Peterson!” I was only off by a few seconds! My
prize was a Hawaii tour guidebook and two bottles of wine. I ended up giving
the wine to the lady next to me, and the book actually made the trip! We had
places Eric had researched, but his book was freaking amazing! A great birthday
present indeed.
First day, we spent the day at Kapalua Beach, snorkeling,
swimming, and getting sunburns. Seriously we all got crispy, not the best thing
to do on day one. After a while we needed to give our fair skin a break and
went to explore Lahaina, such a cute little tourist town. We ate at Sure thing
Burger and enjoyed the most delicious shave ice at Ululani’s Hawaiian Shave
Ice. This was a favorite! We went multiple times.

The next morning, I woke up before anyone else and went out
on the deck to read and enjoy the ocean view. Off in the distance I saw
something black; I quickly realized it was whales spouting water! I couldn’t
hold my excitement and ran to get Eric and wake up the girls! They were pretty
far out there but it was cool to see them making their way out into the big
blue ocean.
After the whales were out of sight, we made some breakfast
and loaded up in the car to drive the Road to Hana. This is a 68-mile long curvy
road along the coast that takes you up into Hana. Along the way there are the
most gorgeous views, waterfalls, fruit stands, and hikes around every corner. The view from the car alone was gorgeous!
We found the best way to experience Hana is to go all the way to the end
first, then hit all the little hikes on your way back. This way you don’t get
stuck with all the other tourists and aren’t stuck behind a lot of people. And
still being jet lagged we woke up way before anyone else and were able to get a
head start.
At the end of the Road to Hana is Waimoku Falls. This is a
hike up to a 400 ft waterfall dropping down a sheer rock face. The hike up was
just as cool as the waterfall; you walk through a Bamboo Forest! Bamboo grows
real thick and close together and when the wind blows they all rattle together
and make an awesome noise.
After Waimoku Falls, you walk down to ‘Ohe’o Gulch or the
“Seven Sacred Pools”. This was awesome! These are seven waterfalls and pools each
tumbling into the next one below until the last one goes out to sea. We got in
and swam for a little and soaked in the beauty.
At this point we were all starving so we decided to make our
way back down and hit some of the side hikes. Waikamoi Nature Trail is known
for its Eucalyptus Trees. These trees were so soft to the touch and huge! A
famous sign on the trail is “Quiet, Trees at Work” and since we were the only
ones on the trail it was actually quiet and cool to just take in the beautiful
I also really like the Three Bears Falls. These were beauties
are just off the side of the road so everyone can enjoy them.
Our one mistake was not packing food. We didn’t know
that once you get up on the road there are no places to stop and eat. We were
so hungry after the first hike. We did find a fruit stand with a crazy cat lady
from Taiwan that Hannah bought banana bread and Leslie bought Coconut chips
from and they were amazingly delicious! But, we were starving and tired by the
time we headed back down the road. At the end we saw a food truck called Brudda
Hutt’s sitting in someone’s front yard and pulled over to eat. At his point we didn’t care what it was,
we just needed food. They had plate lunches and they were oh my gosh, so good!
Poly’s sure know how to make good plate lunches!
Eric’s big quest for the trip was to swim with turtles so we
went to Malu’aka Beach also know as “Turtle Town”. We snorkeled, built sand
castles, and floated on our floaties in the gorgeous ocean. We spent a long
time snorkeling and saw no turtles. We were getting pretty discouraged and a
little sad about it. Eric and I were out floating on the floaties when I saw two
people swim past real quick and stop not to far from us. They just kinda hung
out there and the dad kept diving down looking at something. I made a joke to
Eric that now that we don’t have our snorkel gear or camera and weren’t
actively looking, a turtle was probably right by us. And sure enough, these
people were right there looking at A TURTLE! Haha! They were really nice and
told us to come look. Eric made a mad dash to shore to get some goggles while I
was left with the two floaties and a pair of really bad goggles and I was
supposed to follow the turtle around so Eric could come see him. Not to mention
one floatie had a hole and I was sinking and trying to follow this little guy.
Thankfully Eric got here and we were able to swim with this amazing creature
for a while until the whole beach came over to see him. That was probably my
favorite moment from the trip, Eric was so excited! :)
After our sunburned skin couldn’t take the sun anymore we
went back to Lahaina and did some shopping and ate some more delicious burgers
at Cool Cats.
The most ironic thing of the trip was that we went searching
from beach to beach looking for sea turtles and right outside our condo, like
less the 50 yards from us there were turtles! Eric & Hannah saw HUGE
Turtles out there! Haha funny funny.
Down the road from our condo was a Farmers Market. We got
some fresh Guacamole and crossed the street to eat at the park by the beach.
This Guac was so good! We down that sucker in no time! We also all tried apple
bananas, no hype there just delicious bananas.
That evening we went out to the Blowhole up on the north
side. This was like walking on the moon. You walk down and you’re surrounded by
this black rock and weird rock formations that make you feel like you’re on
another planet. There is the most adorable little heart in rock. I’m sure
someone probably cut it out somehow but it’s so cute!
John got the most amazing room at the Marriott for my
birthday. It was right on the beach, had the coolest pool, and the room was
gorgeous. We spent some good time at the pool, Hannah loved the hammocks they
had around the property, and Hannah and I even got in a bit of water aerobics
with the old folk. Thanks John!
We woke up really early one morning, to go to Haleakala
National Park for a sunrise Hike. Haleakala means “House of the Sun”. We left
at 3:00am, drove up to the 10,023ft summit. This is actually the highest
elevation gain in the shortest distance anywhere in the world. We thankfully were some of the first
people there, we got a front row view, and good thing cause it got packed. It
was freezing at this high of elevation and so early in the morning. We had
sweater but we also took the hotel blankets and good thing! It was really calm
and pretty up there before the sun-starting rising. It was so beautiful! We
were so high up that we were above the clouds so as the sun raised it was like
we were on top of the world.
We tried to visit new beaches everyday and enjoy something
new. One stop was Honolua Bay. This was a small beach kinda in a cove, not very
many people. Eric & Leslie went snorkeling and saw a little turtle in some
clear water and hung out with him for a while. Hannah boogie boarding, or attempting to boogie board :) This was a fun relaxing beach.
Another was Napili Bay. This was a busier beach, a lot more tourists. Eric and
I saw this crazy burrowing Fish while snorkeling. Every time we would dive down
to close to it, it would burrow into the sad completely, then suddenly
reappear. We probably were torturing the poor little guy but it was to fun watching
him burrow down.
Our last day :( we were so sad to have to leave but we
wanted to make the most of it. We had perfect weather all week and on our last
day it was pouring rain. We couldn’t complain it was so warm still! We went to Lahaina
once again and got Ululani’s Hawaiian Shave Ice for the last time. We went to Banyan
Tree Square which is a block with a single tree that was planted in the center
years and years ago that has now spread itself out to cover pretty much the
whole block, crazy huge!
Then we had to start driving to the airport. Along the way
we stopped at ‘Iao Valley State Park to see the‘Iao Needle. The needle is a
giant green pinnacle, up in the mountain. ‘Iao is said to be the daughter of Maui. The needle is her
secret lover, captured by an angry Maui and turned to stone. Apparently, it is
like the most photographed place in Maui and we understand why! It was
breathtakingly green!
Eric made a video of our trip and he did such a great job! This is such a good summary of our awesome vacation!
This trip was so amazing and we are so blessed we got to go!
Thanks for my parents for the condo and to John and Rose for the hotel. We love
traveling and are so glad we got to spend time with the sisters in an amazing
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