H a p p y T h a n k s g i v i n g!
This year we had the pleasure of welcoming Eric's family to Austin for this gluttonous holiday! It was so fun seeing them and showing them around our new home. As you can see from earlier posts, our Austin experience thus far has pretty much consisted of food :) so with no surprise, that is what we did with the family! We showed them to our favorite spots and got to add some new favorites to the list! First Hopdoddy seemed to win as the best on our trip, gourmet hamburgers, doesn't get much better then that! Hopdoddy is so popular, the line is usually out the door and wrapped around the building. We happened to just luck out and not have to long of a line, but having now tried the deliciousness I would stand in line down the road if I had to! Salt Lick takes the cake for BBQ, it's a bring your own alcohol place but they do have a winery next door for those who didn't bring any. John went to go get his beer and returned with a bucket! Apparently they only sell in packs of 6, so John was set for the next few nights. And for dessert, no question Gordough's is on top!

This is the picture you get when you ask your waiter to take it for you haha |
He's one happy fella!
I say smile, this is what I get, "the Peterson smile" haha
While the turkey was cooking we showed the Peterson's our favorite spot (that doesn't involve food).... Zilker Park and Lady Bird Lake. There were tons of turtles out basking in the sun while we were walking on the trail! It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and unlike Utah and Idaho not a bit of snow, my kind of weather! And it has the best view of the city and the lake.
Watching the turtles and fish swimming in the river. |
Family Picture time...again :) Haha John didn't know what he was in for when he welcomed me into the family! |
Beautiful fall trees |
The handsome boys |
While we were on the bridge looking over at the turtles, I dropped the lens cover to our new camera into the water....oops! Poor Eric had to climb down and get it haha Thanks honey, you're the best!
He tries to make a mad face but he can't help but just laugh at me, he's not surprised something like that happened. |
When you have Leslie and John cooking Thanksgiving dinner you know you are in for a G O O D meal! The house smelled so delicious and the it took all my self control to just stay out of the way and not go stealing tastes! Everyone should be jealous that they don't have a professional Chef in the family like we do :)
The chef's hard at work |
My favorite was the Asparagus! So so good! |
YUM! |
Carving the "Roast Beast"
We went and took a little tour of the State Capital building:
Mama and her kiddos :) |
And no Thanksgiving would be complete without some Black Friday Shopping! After all, only in America do we celebrate a day of Thanks to follow it with a day of madness and selfishness haha
This year Target actually opened Thursday night, weird since the day is call black FRIDAY!? Being new to Austin we didn't know how big it was down here so we decided to go 3 hours early and hope the lines weren't to long. Ha were we in for a surprise! The parking lot was empty and we ended up being in the first 50 in line! Needless to say we were able to get in and get everything we had gone for :) Eric has turned into a Black Friday Pro! They gave out maps so you knew where they had put everything and he had our Plan of Attack all set!
Playing games while we wait in line |
Planning our Attack
We had a G R E A T T H A N K S G I V I N G with our F A M I L Y and R E M E M B E R I N G all that we have to be G R E A T F U L for! We are so B L E S S E D!